Originally posted on the Freshwaterblog on 28 March 2014

Freshwater scientists are passionate about the state of freshwater life, but making our science relevant to policy means building a friendly dialogue with policy-makers. The recent Water Lives science-policy symposium was a land-mark for freshwater policy in the EU. It established a foundation of collegiate understanding and shared purpose for the wider freshwater science and policy community to build on. This short video and accompanying podcast produced byHelen Scales, Ria Mishaal and Paul Jepson will give you a flavour of what was achieved.

What every scientist should know about policy-making

Faliure to meet the 2010 Biodiversity targets has created an imperative to improve the science-policy interface (SPI). The EC has responded with the SPRIAL and Biodiversity Knowledge projects. However,  to improve SPI, it is vital for scientists and policy-makers to get to know each other and understanding the frameworks and incentive structures that shape their respective professional cultures.


Our new podwater-lives-brussels_ria-mishaal-photography-253cast presented by Helen Scales includes frank and insightful interviews with scientists and EC policy makers on the challenges and on the ways to bring our two professions together in productive and continuous dialogue. It will be of wide interest to biodiversity scientists and policy-makers and we urge you to share it widely among your colleagues and students.

To paraphrase Albert Einstein “Science without policy is lame, policy without science is blind”. Change comes through dialogue and effective dialogue requires an understanding of others.